
Mokuyobi Post: Oruchubon Ebichu

Oruchubon Ebichu (おるちゅばんエビちゅ) or Ebichu the Housekeeping Hamster is a 24 episode ecchi comedy series based on the manga of the same name.  The series originally aired in Japan in 1999 as part of the 'Ai no Awa Awa Hour' anime block.

    Ebichu is a talking hamster  kept by an office lady in her late 20's.  The vindictive and cruel office lady (OL) forces the less then brilliant Ebichu to do all of the housework in order to slack off as much as possible.  The OL's good for nothing boyfriend helps in the torment and degradation of the downtrodden rodent.  Yet Ebichu perseveres, seeing her life as a blessing from the imprisonment of the pet shop and dutifully goes about her chores.  To the detriment of Ebichu's safety and happiness she continually causes embarrassment and self reflection for her owner through oblivious ways.

    This is a raunchy and poorly drawn series that has no value other than excellent comedy.  Since I first saw this show it has always been one of my favorite anime comedies.  The humor is snarky and fast paced.  The humor comes from Ebichu knowing but not understanding everything around her and her owner being a sexual and social deviant.  One of the best scenes is Ebichu inadvertently tattling on the OL's boyfriend while she is away on vacation and he stayed at her house.  Ebichu draws and describes a guest that showed up which was her outing the fact the boyfriend screwed a high school girl.  These scenarios continue throughout the entire show and are its bedrock.  The jokes are crude and sexual in nature and the delivery is well done.  Ebichu is constantly punched and kicked with over the top comedic effect for her indiscretions

    Unfortunately this series was never licensed outside of Japan.  If you can find it it’s worth the laugh but I know its hard to come by.

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